WE of the many nations, religions and beliefs of our shared planet,
 deplore the violence and coercion.  We recognize that certain conflicts
are intractable, and creating a lasting peace may require concessions which
transform beliefs, redraw contemporary borders, and repatriate or resettle
 populations including those of established remnants of conquering armies.

We believe that a lasting Peace in the Levant requires two great concessions:
1. Fanatical Judaism must accord Umayyad Islam a mosque of prayer
on the Temple Mount and about the Foundation Stone;

II. That all of Islam accord Judaism the primacy to sanctify and pray
about the Holy of Holies cloaking the Foundation.

As a first step, we ask the U.S. Congress and the United Nations to pass
a Declaration of History affirming the Foundation Stone as a Sacred Site
for all of the Abrahamic religions and people, being:

the Sacred Base of the Ark in the 1st and 2nd Temples;
destroyed, looted and desecrated by the Romans under Titus;
restored and the site of Jewish prayer uncer the Caliph Omar;
protected by the Dome of the Rock by Umayyad caliph Abd al-Malik;
prohibited for Jewish prayer by Crusaders and Muslims for over 1000 years.

We further ask the U.S. Congress, the EU and United Nations
to endorse significant periods of prayer and visitation for all religions, beliefs,
and interested souls on the Temple Mount, respecting the sacred significance
of the Foundation Stone in Judaism, and the Al-Asqa Mosque in Islam.


The Foundation Stone
REVERED in the Scriptures by the Abrahamic Religions,
Jewish tradition teaches that the Stone is Creation's first "terra firma";
 where the Eternal  tested the devotion of Abraham and his son, Isaac;
 where King David placed the Ark of the Covenant; and about which
the Tent of the Holy of Holies was erected.

  Islamic tradition teaches that Mohammed journeyed in a single night,
 from the “sacred place of worship” (al-masjid al-Maram)
to the “further place of worship” (al-Masjid al-Aqsa).
Since the Umayyad caliphate in 661 CE, the Foundation Stone in Jerusalem
has been recognized as the "Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa
Mohammed (d. 632 CE) ascended to the Heavens.


The Dome of the Rock

The Dome of the Rock is one of the oldest extant Islamic structures.
  Construction  began in 687 CE under the orders of the Umayyad caliph Abd al-Malik.
 The building was completed in 691 CE. It was dedicated as a shrine to commemorate
 the Prophet Muhammad's miraculous night journey from Mecca to Jerusalem
 and his ascension to heaven. 
The Dome was built on the site of the Second Jewish Temple,
 which had been destroyed by the Romans in 70 CE. The Temple Mount
 had been under the control of the Byzantine Empire, but the Umayyad caliphs
 sought to assert their authority and built this magnificent structure visible
throughout Jerusalem and the surrounding hills.


  aerial view of city buildings during daytime